Sri Lanka's Bold Move: New Gambling Authority Reshapes Industry | CasinoALMA
Author: Laura

Sri Lanka is establishing a Gambling Regulatory Authority to address issues like tax evasion, money laundering, and societal impacts associated with gambling. This move aims to legitimize the industry, ensuring fair tax contribution and reducing criminal activities. The initiative aligns with international best practices and will impact both local and online casino operators. Industry reactions are mixed, with some welcoming the change for added transparency and others wary of over-regulation. CasinoALMA will continue to track developments closely.

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Sri Lanka to Establish Gambling Regulatory Authority: A New Dawn for the Industry

In a monumental move aimed at reshaping the landscape of its gambling industry, Sri Lanka is setting up a Gambling Regulatory Authority. This initiative, according to recent news reports, is intended to ensure proper tax collection, mitigate criminal activities, and address negative societal impacts associated with gambling.

Why Sri Lanka Needs a Gambling Regulatory Authority

Sri Lanka's gambling industry has flourished over the years, attracting both local and international operators. However, the lack of regulatory oversight has led to several issues, including tax evasion, money laundering, and other criminal activities. This move by the government aims to bring order and legitimacy to the industry.

The Objectives of the Regulatory Authority

The primary goals of the new Gambling Regulatory Authority include:

  • Tax Collection: Ensuring that all gambling operators contribute their fair share of taxes.
  • Criminal Activity Mitigation: Implementing measures to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.
  • Societal Impact: Addressing gambling addiction and other negative societal impacts.

The Global Perspective

It's worth noting that the step Sri Lanka is taking aligns with global practices. Countries like the UK have their Gambling Commission, and the United States has several regulatory bodies at both state and federal levels. Sri Lanka's new regulatory authority is expected to follow international best practices, ensuring transparency and fairness in the industry.

What This Means for Online Casinos

The online casino sector is likely to be significantly impacted by this new regulation. Operators like MyEmpire and Hejgo may need to adhere to stricter guidelines, ensuring they operate within the legal framework. This could lead to a more secure and trustworthy environment for players.

Industry Reactions

Industry experts and stakeholders have offered a mixed reaction to this news. While some welcome the move as a step towards a more transparent and fair industry, others are concerned about the potential for over-regulation. According to sources at CasinoALMA, this development could either strengthen the industry or create new hurdles for operators.

A Closer Look at the Big Players

Leading game providers such as Microgaming, NetEnt, and Playtech are likely to scrutinize the new regulations closely. Compliance will be key, and these companies are expected to adapt swiftly to maintain their market positions.

The Role of CasinoALMA

As the number one source for anything about online casinos, CasinoALMA will be tracking these developments closely. Our platforms -,,,, and - will provide up-to-date information and expert insights into how these changes will affect the industry.

Looking to the Future

The establishment of a Gambling Regulatory Authority is just the first step. Future regulations may focus on areas such as online gambling, customer support, and safer gambling practices. The goal is to create a sustainable and ethical gambling environment that benefits all stakeholders.

Draft Bill and Amendments

In a recent meeting of the Committee on Public Finance (CoPF), concerns were raised about the operation of online casinos in Sri Lanka, despite laws prohibiting such activities. Dr. Harsha de Silva, Chair of the committee, stressed the need for immediate action to address this issue, directing a letter to the Minister of Finance for urgent attention.

The meeting, held under Dr. de Silva's chairmanship, discussed the absence of a regulatory framework for casinos in the country. Officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka acknowledged the significance of establishing a regulator to address various issues related to the industry.

Dr. de Silva urged officials to expedite the process of enacting laws to establish a regulatory authority, emphasizing its importance in attracting foreign investment and ensuring the government collects due revenue from the casino business.

The government has stated that the objective is not only to guarantee the full collection of taxes but also to implement regulations that combat illegal activities and mitigate potential harms associated with gambling. Earlier reports suggested that the regulator would grant licenses with a duration of up to 20 years, while casinos would be subjected to a 40% tax on profits in addition to their annual license fee of Rs 500 million ($1.3 million).

Earlier this year, Sri Lanka introduced amendments to its casino licensing regulations, imposing minimum investment thresholds and revising fee structures. The move, effective from January 1, 2024, marked a shift in the country's approach to integrated development projects and followed the submission of ten casino applications.

Addressing Illegal Gambling

German gambling regulator GGL, during Euro 24, reminded operators it would be particularly active and monitor closely all activities to ensure compliance with player protection regulations. "Illegal gambling is not only punishable, but it also carries a significant risk for the development of gambling. Those interested in gaming should use the detailed information offered by the GGL and other bodies," the regulator said.

Officials have requested more power to combat black market operators, including the ability to prosecute gambling providers based overseas.

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Implications for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s new regulations aim to increase accountability and sustainability in the licensing process, amidst growing concerns over the social and economic impacts of the gaming industry. These revised regulations address concerns of existing casino operators who obtained licenses before January 1, 2023.

Under the new regulations, applicants seeking casino licenses for integrated developments must meet minimum investment requirements set by the government. Future regulations may focus on areas such as online gambling, customer support, and safer gambling practices. The goal is to create a sustainable and ethical gambling environment that benefits all stakeholders.

Global Practices and Future Trends

The new regulations align with global best practices. Countries like the UK have their Gambling Commission, and the United States has several regulatory bodies at both state and federal levels. These regulatory frameworks have proven effective in minimizing risks associated with gambling and ensuring a fair and transparent industry.

Leading online casino platforms like CasinoALMA offer a comprehensive guide to the best and most reputable online casinos, making it easier for players to find trustworthy platforms. With the introduction of such regulatory measures, the landscape of the gambling industry in Sri Lanka is expected to change significantly, paving the way for a safer and more regulated environment.

Industry Giants Adapting

Leading game providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Playtech are expected to adapt swiftly to these new regulations. Compliance will be a crucial factor in maintaining their market positions. These companies have a history of adhering to stringent regulations in various jurisdictions, and Sri Lanka will be no exception.

Potential Challenges and Opportunities

The new regulatory framework presents both challenges and opportunities for the gambling industry in Sri Lanka. On one hand, operators will need to invest in compliance measures and adapt to the new rules. On the other hand, a regulated environment can attract more investors and players seeking a safe and fair gambling experience.

The establishment of the Gambling Regulatory Authority marks a significant turning point for the industry. With proper tax collection, reduced criminal activities, and mitigated societal impacts, the industry is poised for a healthier future.

Final Thoughts

Sri Lanka's move to regulate its gambling industry is a major step forward. While challenges lie ahead, the potential benefits are immense. Stay tuned to CasinoALMA for the latest updates and expert analyses on this developing story. As the leading source for online casino information, CasinoALMA will continue to provide all the insights you need to navigate the evolving landscape of the gambling industry.

Sri Lanka is currently setting up a Gambling Regulatory Authority to oversee the industry. This move is intended to ensure proper tax collection, mitigate criminal activities, and address negative societal impacts associated with gambling.

— Asia Gaming Brief (@agbrief) June 24, 2024


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