Participate in the CasinoALMA Android Application Alpha Testing | CasinoALMA
Author: Juuso
Participate in the CasinoALMA Android Application Alpha Testing
The CasinoALMA Android application has successfully transitioned to the Closed Alpha testing phase after meeting all technical requirements set by Google. Participation in this critical stage is essential to gather private data and ensure the application functions optimally. Those interested in joining the Alpha testing program are encouraged to provide their Google Play email address for access to the application within 24 hours. Anticipation is high for the official publication of the application, with gratitude extended to all testers for their contributions. Sincere thanks are also given to Google for their cooperation throughout the process, showcasing a professional and friendly relationship.


CasinoALMA Android Application: Successful Transition to Closed Alpha Testing

The intricate technical steps of the private testing phase have been navigated successfully by the CasinoALMA Android application. All guidelines and technical requirements set by Google have been met, marking the transition into the next phase, the "Closed Alpha testing".

Critical Stage: Participation Needed

The participation of individuals in the testing program of the CasinoALMA Android application is required at this critical stage. The purpose is to gather private data to ensure the application functions optimally and adheres to the guidelines and best practices set by Google before its official publication.

Join the Alpha Testing Program

Participation in the Alpha testing program is highly appreciated. To join, provide the email address associated with Google Play in the form below. Upon submission, a direct link to download the CasinoALMA application from Google Play will be sent within 24 hours.


Anticipation for Official Publication

Gratitude is extended to all who contribute to the testing phase of the application. The anticipation for the official publication of the application is high.

Thanks to Google

Sincere thanks are given to Google for their cooperation throughout the stages of getting the application published. This collaboration is a testament to the professional and friendly relationship that has been fostered. 

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