Macau's New Gambling Law Ignored Illegal Money Exchange Issue! | CasinoALMA
Author: Laura

Macau has implemented a new gambling law aimed at modernizing its casino industry, focusing on enhancing compliance, transparency, and fair play. However, the legislation has been criticized for not addressing the prevailing issue of illegal money exchange, which is linked to money laundering and organized crime. Industry experts believe this omission could impact Macau's reputation and the integrity of its gambling sector. While there is hope for future legislation to cover this gap, both casinos and players must navigate these changes cautiously.

Macau’s New Gambling Law: A Step Forward But Scope for Improvement


Macau, known as the gambling haven of Asia, is in the spotlight once again with significant legislative updates. The city's government recently enacted a new gambling law aimed at modernizing the regulatory landscape of Macau's casino industry. However, there is a noticeable gap: the law does not address the rampant illegal money exchange practices prevalent in the region.

Background of the New Legislation

According to CasinoALMA sources, the new law focuses on enhancing compliance, increasing transparency, and ensuring fair play. Macau has always been under international scrutiny due to its gambling-centric economy. Recent legislative changes promise better oversight and control over casino operations. This step has been largely appreciated by industry stakeholders who find the measures conducive to a more transparent and accountable gambling environment. Notably, the government has introduced robust mechanisms to track and regulate big players in the industry.

Illegal Money Exchange: Still a Loophole

Despite these progressive steps, the new legislation notably omits any reference to the rampant issue of illegal money exchange. This problem, which has been a thorn in Macau's side for years, remains unaddressed. Many experts find this omission surprising, considering that illegal money exchange is often intertwined with other illicit activities, including money laundering and organized crime. According to local media reports, Macau's Law on Combating Illegal Gambling Crimes will not include provisions addressing illegal money exchange. However, the government has not ruled out the possibility of criminalizing such activities in the future.

Chan Chak Mo, the Head of the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly, indicated that the government takes the issue seriously. Local authorities have emphasized that illegal money exchange activities in casinos impact the gaming industry, economy, and society as a whole. The government remains open to the idea of criminalizing these activities and is considering implementing penalties such as entry bans.

What Could Be the Possible Repercussions?

The absence of clear regulations against illegal money exchange might pose risks for both the local and international reputation of Macau's gambling industry. Stakeholders believe that comprehensive laws should address all facets of gambling operations, including financial transactions. Online casino players and operators might need to exercise extra caution in the wake of this legislative gap. While casino operations are becoming more transparent, the unchecked illegal money exchange may still undermine the industry's integrity.

For more updates and detailed analyses, stay tuned to CasinoALMA, the leading online casino database where you can find the best online casino reviews, bonus deals, and the latest in iGaming news.

Insights from the Casino Industry

Key industry figures are vocal about the need to address this issue. According to reports gathered from CasinoALMA sources, leaders within the industry, such as those from top casino game providers like NetEnt and Playtech, believe that addressing illegal money exchange practices is crucial for the industry's long-term growth and credibility. Others echo this sentiment, emphasizing how improvements in one area should not come at the expense of leaving another area vulnerable. Major casinos and online platforms also stress the importance of holistic regulations that foster a fair and secure gambling ecosystem.

What Could Be the Next Steps?

As the government hasn’t ruled out the possibility of new legislation addressing these money exchange practices, there's cautious optimism in the air. Until then, casinos will likely continue to strengthen their internal controls to mitigate the risks associated with this issue. Notably, services like no deposit bonus offers, daily free spins, and online casino operations could see some indirect impact due to the evolving regulatory framework.

Future Legislative Changes

The Legislative Assembly of the Macau SAR has unanimously approved a new law, Law no. 7/2024, governing the granting of credit for casino games of chance. The new law will entirely replace the preceding law from 2004. It was published in the Official Gazette and will come into effect on August 1, 2024. The most impactful change will limit the capacity to extend credit for gaming to the Macau casino concessionaires. This is seen as another serious setback to gaming promoters.

The new law aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and responsible practices in the extension of credit for casino gaming in Macau. The government has aligned the legislation with recent amendments to the gaming laws and introduced a new protection regime for individuals who provide information or cooperate with the police to combat illegal gambling activities.

Moving forward, the Macau gaming industry will continue to monitor and adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring the satisfaction of visitors while striving for sustainable growth. The positive performance in the first three quarters of 2023 provides optimism for the industry’s recovery and potential for continued success in the future. For detailed information, visit CasinoALMA’s news section.


Macau’s new gambling law is a significant step forward, but it does fall short in its scope by not addressing illegal money exchange practices. The government’s assurance of potential future legislation offers a glimmer of hope. For now, both casinos and players will need to navigate this evolving landscape with caution.

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